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Peace E-Res

Here you are a synopsis about Islam:

What is Islam?

1-Islam asks for worshipping just one god "Allah" (the father in your religion) and believing in the prophet Mohammed and all the prophets before him as Jesus and Abraham. We believe that there aren't any sons to Allah or gods.

2- Islam doesn?egrade other prophets, but respect them. It is a big sin to say something rude about one of them or their good relatives as Maria (Mary).

3- Islam says that the one whose doles are more than his sins will enter paradise and vice versa.

4- Islam say that we should build and work on earth not just pray. When we were religious, we were more advanced than West. They took our culture and became more advanced as we became less religious.

5-Islam ordered us to be just and fair in judging between people, and not to hurt or offend any one. Even animals, we mustn't hurt or kill them except if they became dangerous or harmful. There is a story says that there was a religious woman who prisoned a cat till death, so went to hell, and another bad (did many sins) woman who saved another cat from death so she enter paradise. Mercy is very important in our religion.

6-Islam hate very much betrayal, lying (falsity), wantonness, oppression, cheating and laziness. Islam like very much honesty, truthfulness, piety, justice, activity, patience, forgiveness and mercy.

7- Islam want to achieve the welfare to all people. Islam urge us to give poor people money as we can because these people must live and this money is from Allah, He gave it to us to live and make others live also.

8- Islam urge us so much to vouch orphans i.e. to send them money or let them live in this one's house in order that this money will let them live a normal life as if they have their dads.

9- Islam urge us not to break promises, it is bad that one promise someone to do something then he breaks this promise.

10- Islam prevent revile, but if someone blackguard another one, the latter can do the same with the former, but with the same word and the same repetitions...etc. This means that -for example- if someone said to me ??a donkey?? can reply just by saying ?u?a donkey??ot to say ?u?a donkey and a pig??r say ?u?ten times donkey??he idea that the effect of the reply must be as the former saying i.e. I can say ??a dog??ly if the effect of this word has the same effect of the word ?key??

11-Islam urge us to be patient and forgiving, if someone blackguard us, it is preferable to be patient and forgive him, not to get back the insult.

12-Islam ask us to be in touch with our relatives, not to leave them away, to help them if they need us, because this will create a love atmosphere between the relatives who are very near to one?elation.

13-Islam hate very much killing people or animals without a legal reason. To kill someone is a very big sin, and this murderer must be killed. If someone kills someone by accident, then he must pay money.

14-In Islam there?small sins and big ones. Big ones such as: to steal, to cheat [1] , to lie or to take drugs because all these are very bad to society and to oneself.

15-In Islam, to be religious doesn?ean not to marriage or leave life with its technology, welfare or stick to old or very simple life. One can be religious and marry, live a luxury life, pray and work and play some sports and so on.

16-In Islam, we enter paradise by our good deeds not by our money or position in life. Islam don?ake a difference between people except in piety. We?all equal except in devotion. He?etter than me because he is more religious. When we go to make our pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, we all wear nearly the same clothes, we do the same deeds, in the same time, in the same places, no matter who is so and so and the other is so and so.

17-In Islam, we aren?unished if we do something wrong by accident i.e. we don?ean it, but if this something destroy another one?ossessions, we must pay for what we destroy. Or be punished because we forgot to do something we?to do it , e.g. if I am in Ramadan (the month of fasting) and I forgot so and ate some food or drink some water, I won?e punished or repeat this day just throw out the food from my mouth if there is something in it and continue without any problem. Or be punished for doing something wrong someone forced us to do it.

18-In Islam, we must knock at the door before entering someone?ouse, and it is preferable to knock just 3 times, because if he don?ant to open the door , won?e disturbed by many times knocks. Inside someone?ouse we must ask for permission to enter the other?oom in 3 times in the day: in dawn time, in noon time and at night, because in these 3 times one may take off some of his clothes while sleeping. And it is preferable to ask for permission to enter in all the times.

19-Islam have a Holly Book named "Quran", Quran is Allah's words, so it was protected from distortion, it is just as God descend it from heaven about 1420 years ago. If any one have a very old copy of it, he will find it exactly the same as nowadays. Nothing has changed, added, deleted or replaced. God said in Quran:" We (God) have, without doubt, send down the message (Quran); and We will assuredly protect it (from corruption)??uran can't be translated exactly because it is a miracle: no one can imitate it at all, Many people tried so but they all failed. The last time I heard something like this was on the Internet.

Women in Islam:

1-Prophet Muhammad said:" The best among you are those who are best to their wives".

2-In Islam, she is a human being to be mercied and protected, because she is a weak person: she can't fight, work in all the jobs or protect herself from thieves or rapists. So she must be mercied by not forcing her to work, Islam ordered her relatives or her husband to maintain her. And must be protected from bad people: she isn't forced to go to work, even to go out as it is preferred that the servant or her husband buy what the house needs like the food instead of her. Islam urged her to be educated and to take care of her children, house and husband

3-She can work all kinds of work as long as this work will not scratch her dignity.

4- Although she hasn't to maintain herself, in inheritance she take about half the man's share. If they will inherit 15$, she will take 5$ and put them in the bank, and he will take 10$ but will maintain himself and her as well.

5-In Islam if the woman is married no changes happen, she retains her name and her money, she doesn't lose anything. And divorce is very simple, if he just told her " You are divorced", so she is divorced.

After divorce, he gave her money to maintain her for a year, because she may take time to find a job or to be married.

6-He must treat her in a good way, I heard that in Saudi Arabia if a man hits his wife the government puts him in jail for a long time, that is, in some cases, till his wife goes to them an ask them to let him go out!!

7-Female Muslims wear a veil; this veil protects girls and women from rapists and from bad words in the street. Because many women now don't wear the veil and wear short skirts, stretches and trousers, rape crime happen frequently! In Saudi Arabia, because the wear the veil, rape crimes are very rare.

8-Muslims have a month to be fast in named ?adan??ut women who have the menstruation or the lying in (after giving birth) periods mustn't be fast because this will harm her because in these periods she is loosing blood, and this makes her somewhat weak to be fast or make her prayers.

Men in Islam:

1- Men are strong and they love work so it is their duty to work, and to fight in wars. They take twice the share of women to help them in spending money on their families.

2- Men in Islam can marry up to 4 wives at the same time, and under some conditions: to treat the wives fairly, not to prefer one more than the other, not to give this what she needs and give the other less than what she needs. And he can marry female slaves without a specified number. And that is because men like and need so, if we gave him just one to marry, he may go and make sex with other girls without marriage, and it is a sin. So Islam says to him: "Do what you want but through marriage".

3- Men must be merciful with their wives: not to hit them, not to be misers with them, to be patient with them..Etc.


1-We've our own calendar. We're now in the year 1421. Islam is from so many years.

2-Before our prophet's death, he was the ruler of the Islamic country, he sends an alderman to every place to govern it with justice. He is a very Kind man, so meek, so strong, so wise, so courageous. He loves his people, his family so much.

3-After Mohammad's death, there was "Khalif": a ruler but it has a special meaning in our culture that I can't explain, something like a king. This Khalif is also a religious man, who rules through law of religion. There are about four Khalives after our prophet, then came some other rulers who were called "The prince of believers", then kings then presidents nowadays.

4-The Khalives were so courageous they fight in wars by themselves, they listen to people's complaints without restrictions, they help people and confess of guilt if they make or say something wrong. They were so ascetic in life, they didn't want money, palaces, or expensive clothes, they wanted only paradise. So they made excellent deeds. They know that death is coming some time so they must work for this time.

5-One of them named "Omar ibn al-Khatab", was a very strong man, however he was helpful, one time he heard some noise while he was walking in the street, it was a woman giving birth so he went to her and helped her (but not in giving birth, but in the other needs of birth and after birth) and the people who was with her didn?now that this man is their Khalif.

6-Another time, he was making a speech then he said something wrong in religion (but of course without bad intention) then a woman told him the right saying, he didn't get angry but said a very famous saying here: "a woman is right and Omar got wrong". He confessed that he was wrong.

7-He may sit anywhere without fear of killing or any danger.

8-One time when he was traveling with his servant they don't have except one animal to ride, and it was a long travel so he let the servant ride sometime and he walks, as he pity the servant to walk all these distances.

9-There was a place called "The Moslems house of money", this was a place where rich people put money for poor people.

10-As Khalives governed with justice, people who are wrong feared them, and who are right respect and love them. I read that there was a foreign man who want to make an Islamic film with an Egyptian man, I think that is a film something like ?r al-Mokhtar??hich the hero was Antony Queen, but they've 2 different points of view concerning 1 point: Omar ibn al-Khatab was a Khalif who has a great leader of the army named Khaled ibn al-Waleed (called ? sword of Allah?? he was a very very strong and courageous man and fought in many wars) whom the former -as he was the Khalif- prevented him from leading the army in one of the wars, so Khaled obeyed the order and left the leadership of the army. You may can't realize how Khaled was very decent and obeying to agree to do so without any objection, as you don't know him well. But the foreigner knew Khaled well and he didn't want to make him agree to leave the army in the film, or omit this part- I don't know well- as it is strange that a strong courageous fighter as him mustn't obeyed this order without problems! But the Egyptian one insisted not to change history, so the film wasn't made!!


1- There are about one billion Muslims all over the world.

2- Islam is spreading now quickly, it was said that in one of the Islamic centers in Britain, more than 100 persons go to it to be Muslims every month!

3- Muslims are increasing in USA so much not only by giving birth but also by turning to Islam. They built a mosque, in work, for military Muslims in the army!

4- Formal statistics says: in Italy there are about 70,000 Italians who embarrassed Islam, Islam comes in the second rank after Christianity and there are about 110 mosque spread in the big cities!

5- Some famous people embarrassed Islam: Ali Klay, Malik Tayson and the singer Kat Steven who is now named Youssef (Joseph) Islam.


This picture is of the Kaaba, it is located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the place to which all muslims turn to when praying.


By Shaikh Muhammad as-Salih al-Uthaimin, Al-Istiqaamah

The Shaikh said in Sharh Usoolul-Eemanan (pp.4-7):

[1] The deen (religion) of Islaam: It is the way of life that Allaah sent the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam with. By it, Allaah terminated the validity of all other religions, perfected this religion for His worshippers, completed His favour upon them and has chosen only this religion for them - no other religion will be accepted by Him from anyone. Allaah - the Most High - said:

"Muhammad is not the father of any man amongst you. Rather he is the Messenger of Allaah and the khaatim (last and final) of the Prophets." [Soorah al-Ahzaab 33:40]

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maatidah 5:3]

"Indeed the religion with Allaah is Islaam." [Soorah Aal-'lmraan 3:19]

"Whosoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, never will it be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:85]

And Allaah - the Most High - obligated all of mankind to take Islaam as their religion. So Allaah said, whilst addressing His Messenger sallallanhu `alayhi wa sallam:

"Say: O mankind! Indeed I have been sent to you all as the Messenger of Allaah; to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. None has the right to be worshipped except Him; it is He who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allaah and His Messenger - the Prophet who can neither read nor write - who believes in Allaah and His Words. So follow the Messenger of Allaah so that you may be rightly-guided." [Soorah al-A'raaf 7:158]

And in Saheeh Muslim (1/93), from Abu Hurayrah radiallanhu `anhu that Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:

"By Him in whose Hand is the life of Muhammad! There is no one from this nation, be he a Jew or a Christian, who hears of me and then dies without believing in the Message that I was sent with, except that he will be one of the Companions of the Hellfire".

And eemnan (faith) in the Prophet implies: affirming that which he was sent with, along with acceptance of it and submission to it. Without these two matters, mere affirmation is not sufficient. This is why even though Abu Taalib (the Prophet's uncle) affirmed what was sent to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and that Islaam was the best of religions, yet he did not accept his message nor submit to it; and thus he did not have eemaan, in the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

[2] The religion of Islaam contains all that was beneficial from the previous religions. It is suitable for implementation in any age, any where and by any nation. Allaah - the Most High - said, whilst addressing His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam:

"And We have sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it testifying to the truth contained therein whilst exposing the falsehood that has been added therein." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:48]

That Islaam is suitable for implementation in any age, anywhere and by any nation does not mean that it becomes submissive to nations - being altered and changed by them - as some people falsely think. But rather it means that whenever it is truly adhered to then it brings benefit and goodness to that nation, as well as reforming and correcting it - in whatever age or place.

[3] The religion of Islaam is the religion of truth. It is the way of life that Allaah - the Most High - guaranteed His help and victory for those who truly adhere to it, and that He would make it dominant over all other religions.

Allaah - the Most High - said:

"It is He who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that it may prevail over all other religions, even if the pagans detest it." [Soorah at-Tawbah 9:33]

And Allaah - the Most High - said:

"Allaah has promised to those amongst you who truly have eemaan (true faith and belief) and act in obedience to Allaah and His Messenger, that He will grant them rulership upon the earth, just as He granted it to those before them, and that He will establish their Religion for them and grant them the authority to practice their Religion which He chose and ordered them with. And He will certainly change their situation to one of security, after their fear. Providing that they worship and obey Me, not associating anything else in worship with Me. Then, whoever rejects this favour by disobedience to their Lord - then they are the rebellious transgressors." [Soorah an-Noor 24:55]

[4] The religion of Islaam is a complete religion comprising both `aqeedah (beliefs) and sharee`ah (laws).

It commands them with tawheed (to single out Allaah alone for worship) and prohibits them from shirk (associating partners with Allah in that which is particular to Him.

It commands them with being truthful and prohibits them from lying
It commands them with `adl (justice) and prohibits them from injustice and oppression
It commands them with fulfilling trusts and prohibits them from acting treacherously
It commands them with keeping promises and prohibits them from breaking them
It commands them with kindness and good treatment of parents and prohibits them from disobedience to them in that which is not sinful
It commands them with joining the ties of relations and prohibits them from severing them
It commands them with good treatment of neighbours and prohibits the causing of harm to them
In short, Islaam orders all that is good, from manners and morals, and prohibits all that is evil from it. Likewise, it orders all actions which are righteous and good and prohibits all actions that are evil and harmful.

Allaah - the Most High - said:

"Indeed Allaah enjoins upon you justice, kindness and the giving of good to relatives and near ones. And He prohibits you from all shameful and evil deeds, oppression and transgression. Thus He admonishes you, that you may take heed and be reminded." [Soorah an-Nahl, 16:90]